Hevosen jalkojen hoito

Treatment of horses' feet

Caring for horses’ legs can be tricky sometimes. VILLAge wool wraps are a highly efficient care product. Wool wraps are suitable for all horses, regardless of their main line of work.


In the treatment of wounds, wool is the number one product. Wool is antibacterial and breathable at the same time, so wounds can heal quickly and naturally.


VILLAge wool wraps contain a lot of lanolin, i.e., sheep wax, which takes care of joints and tendons. Veterinarians also recommend the use of sheep wool in the home treatment of tendon injuries and joint damage. Wool also relieves pain, so it can be used in the acute phase of an injury.


Prevention is also important. After exercising, it's good to cool the legs and then wrap them in sheep wool. Even wet legs can be wrapped. The cold-warm alternation is good for the horse's legs.


You can use sheep wool on young horses, stallions, geldings, pregnant mares, and old horses. Wool can be used to treat injuries and skin, or to prevent possible new injuries.


If your horse has white legs, it is recommended to strengthen the skin with wool, even before the mud fever strikes. VILLAge wraps have treated even severely infected pasterns in a matter of days.


The wool is breathable and has an even temperature, without keeping the horse's feet too hot. In the summer, the horse's legs do not sweat under wool wraps.


The best response is obtained when the wool is wrapped on the legs overnight. You can also use VILLage wool wraps outdoors, even if your horse lives turned out. Pay attention to the height from which you start wrapping. The bandage must not get wet, or it will start to slide downwards.




Try it — you will not be disappointed!



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