Wooler tallisuojat

Wooler stable boots

Wooler stable covers: an ancient, natural form of care brought into the 2020s.

The well-being of horses is the most important thing when owning horses and working with them. Horses' feet are one of the most essential things in terms of health and well-being, so taking care of their well-being is of the utmost importance. Wooler stable covers are the solution to many challenges. Wooler combines a traditional care method – sheep's wool – with a modern and practical product. For centuries, sheep's wool has been known for its natural caring properties.

The use of sheep's wool in the care of horses is not a new invention, but with Wooler stable covers, this traditional care method has taken on a new, modern form. Wool not only provides warmth and comfort, but its natural properties support the health of the horse's feet in many ways. Lanolin, the natural fat in wool, has been found to care for joints and tendons and promote wound healing. In addition, the antibacterial properties of wool help keep the skin conditions of the feet optimal.


"When I first tried the Wooler stable covers on my horses, I immediately noticed how easy they are to use. The strong stickers and the design of the covers make them easy to put on, and the horses take to them very well. At first, some horses might be surprised by the smell of sheep's wool, but they quickly got used to it. It's clear that the shelters offer the horses comfort and support," says Pia, a long-time horse enthusiast.


Pia continues: "Wooler stable covers are the answer to many needs. I've always appreciated natural care methods, and it's great to see how traditional sheep's wool can still be so effective in a modern form. This product is clearly designed for the real needs of horse owners and carers."


Wooler's developers wanted to create a solution that combines the advantages of traditional wisdom and modern technology. The goal was to produce a product that is not only effective and natural, but also easy to use and versatile. 

Wooler stable covers are proof that traditional care methods and modern innovation can go hand in hand. By trying it yourself, you can see how this unique combination can bring significant benefits to your horse's well-being!


For the best of your horse, of course

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